How to Take Care of a Poodle Dog
With a Few Steps is a technique that must be observed by mini dog lovers. The type of toy poodle is that
the dog has a cheerful and clever character who is unique in his attention and
affection that is constantly on the side of the owner. They are small stubborn
dogs that live healthy until they are teenagers, but at the end of their age, they
often need doctor fauna care to ensure their health.
How to Take Care of aPoodle Dog means getting our
dog's attention, and having financial skills to fill their needs such as
regular grooming, old-age health care, and preventative care such as worm
1. Choose foods that match your
dog's age. Dogs need levels of protein, calories, and other nutrients that
depend on their age.
• Puppies: Puppies need higher
levels of protein for their muscles, higher calories for growth, and higher
calcium for healthy bones.
• Adult dogs: When your dog is not
more than 12 months old, buy dog food created specifically for adult dogs.
Give our dog this food until the age of 7 years.
• Aged dogs: When our Poodle dog is
7 years or older, switch to senior food. These foods minimize the
phosphate-like mineral content that is difficult to change by the kidneys. By
changing to senior food, you can protect your dog's kidneys.
2. Choose completely dry food. There
are two choices of food, namely one completely dry food (commonly called
kibble), and the second canned food which is wet with extra biscuit mixer (dry
biscuits). Dry food is healthier for dog teeth, because chewing biscuits keeps
them clean.
3. Schedule eating frequency
according to the age of your dog. When our dog is small, he has a smaller stomach
and needs to be fed less often than an adult dog.
• Puppies: Give your poodle puppy
food as often as possible but in small portions. The general rule is 4 meals a
day until at the age of 3 months; 3 meals a day until at the age of 6 months; 2
times a day for dogs aged 6 months to adults.
4. Give
your dog not a little water. Make sure to not infrequently there is
one bowl of water for your dog. Change the water each day and wash the food
bowl once a day. This is part of the way to take care for Poodle Dog in terms of feeding.
your poodle dog
Take Care of a Poodle Dog |
1. Keep your dog's fur free of dirt.
The poodle dog has a curly layer of fur that continues to grow. Poodle hair
does not fall like other types of dogs, but the fur is easily tangled.
• Puppies have a fine coat of fur,
which will be replaced with adult fur at the age of 6-9 months. Substitution of
feathers will fully occur when you are 18 months old.
2. Do grooming on your dog every
day. Spend a few minutes each day grooming your dog. This aims to decompose the
fur from tangling, and to give it a little attention needed.
3. Use a comb or brush with stiff
hair. For combing dirt, use a comb or brush found in a pet store. Or maybe you
will need both, use a comb for the dog's body parts and brush for other parts.
4. Before we start combing it, spray
the top layer of our toy poodle's fur with not much water. This will counteract
static buildup. Spraying with water will prevent dry hair from accumulating.
5. Combine element by section.
Separate one element from the coat of fur and hold one of your fingers. Comb
the coat by combing it from root to tip.
• Grooming all layers of fur and
make sure to comb the elements behind the ear and lower abdomen.
6. Cut your dog's hair for 3-8 weeks
each. Toy poodle hair grows each time, so you have to cut it to make it look
neat. Cut your dog's fur for 3-8 weeks depending on how long / short the fur
you want.
• All this is often done by salon
dogs, but with a good dog hair clipper, not a little practice, and has not a
little time, you can learn to shave our own dog's hair. This is part of the way
to take care for Poodle Dog in terms of grooming.
1. Consider pulling out hair in your
dog's ear. Toy Poodles often have not a little hair on the ear drainage. The
hair on his body grows down to the drainage of his ears and can clog his ears -
like wearing furry earmuffs each time. Consult with your fauna doctor to assess
the right schedule to pull out the fur.
• Some experienced opinions vary
regarding whether or not to pull out hair in the ear. The argument for those
who agree is that with the removal of hair in the ears, this business will help
the air circulation get better to the extent that it can reduce ear infections
and can remove hair that results in the entry of earwax. However, some other
experienced people assume that pulling out the hair in the ear can make the
dog's ears bruised and inflamed.
2. Look at your dog's ears,
especially if you don't pull out the fur. Beware of ear infections (marked by
smelling, thick black wax, or discharge from the ear), or foreign objects in
the ear (the dog constantly scratches the ear, or tilts the head to one side).
3. Visit a fauna doctor if you
pursue a problem. If you are chasing signs of problems in his ears, visit a
doctor's fauna to check your dog's health problems.
1. Use children's toothbrushes for
your Dog's teeth. Toy Poodle is familiar with the formation of coral teeth. If
the tartar continues to accumulate, it will result in bad breath and dated
teeth. For brushing your teeth, use a delicate children's toothbrush.
• You can also use a finger brush
(finger toothbrush) contained in the fauna doctor or a large fauna shop.
• You can minimize the accumulation
of tartar by giving dry food to your dog. Wet food can cause excessive dental
problems. If your dog eats wet food, make it a habit to brush your dog's teeth
each day.
2. Use tooth paste for dogs. tooth
paste specifically for dogs can be purchased at pet stores. Never use human
toothpaste on dogs. If the dog swallows toothpaste ingredients like fluorine,
your dog will get a stomach ache.
3. Brush the surface of the outer teeth
slowly. Use not much toothpaste on a toothbrush. Position your dog's head
properly so you can brush his teeth.
4. Give our dog dental chew each
day. If your dog does not care about you brushing his teeth, give dental chew
each day. This helps clear the back teeth.
• Investing in the times and efforts
to wash your pet's fauna is very important in order to reduce the frequency of
cleaning your teeth that might be needed by your dog.
• Keep an eye on your Toy Poodle
Health Bring a small dog to the fauna doctor regularly. Taking your dog to the
doctor fauna regularly is part of monitoring his health. For dogs under 7
years, visit a fauna doctor every year. The dog doctor will check for signs of
disease, give vaccines regularly, and treat parasitic and worm problems in your
dog. Techniques for to take care for Poodle Dog in terms of dental care.
1. Bring old dogs to the fauna
doctor every 6 months. Dogs that are more than 7 years old must visit a fauna
doctor every 6 months.
2. Give our dog a vaccine and
treatment for parasites and worms. Responsible dog owners will give vaccines,
and care for parasites like flea and worms regularly.
• Talk to your doctor's fauna to
attach a microchip to your dog. A microchip will help track the existence of
your dog if he is lost.
3. Make barren a female poodle dog.
One of the health problems that toy poodle wants to experience when he is old
is diabetes mellitus (sugar diabetes). Hormones associated with estrogen in
women can stimulate diabetes.
• If the sterility is carried out
before the second puberty wave of a female dog, this affair will give up
beneficial effects in matters of minimizing the risk of breast cancer in old
Every time he feels puberty /
menstruation, this business will weaken his uterus and make it more likely to
experience the situation of pyometra, which is an uterine infection that scares
lives. Therefore, spaying when our dogs are still healthy and powerful can be
at higher risk.
• Sterilizing male poodle dogs is
carried out with the aim of counteracting unexpected breeding and to control
problems such as aggression and dominance.
• Talk to a fauna doctor. You
discuss the dog's health so that the doctor gives you a good
idea of what we should do.
4. Monitor the disease in our aging
dogs. Poodle dogs can often live to be a dozen years old. But they often suffer
from health problems when they age. What often happens is diabetes, damaged
teeth, and heart disease.
• Pay attention to hunches that
indicate a problem like thirst, urinary accidents (uncompromising or defecating
uncontrollably), coughing, insufficient energy, bad breath, chewing problems,
or weight loss. If you witness these signs, contact your doctor's fauna.
1. Train your dog to sit and be
quiet. Toy poodle is the smartest and enjoys mental stimulation from dog
training. Every time we feed it, give orders to sit and be quiet before putting
the food on. After he sits and is quiet, then you put the food. The more often
you do this, your dog will get used to sitting and staying quiet without you
having to give him extra food awards.
2. Train your dog to come when
called. When we are at home, spend a few minutes each hour to teach our dog his
name. Do this by calling him. When he responds and comes to you, repeat his
name and give him what he likes.
3. Give appreciation for good
behavior. All training must be based on appreciation, which means paying
attention to bad behavior and rewarding the good. Don't be tempted to scold
your dog because our attention is also appreciation. Therefore, ignore bad
behavior and support him to do something good.
4. Train our dogs to make their own
time. poodle dogs are most attached to their owners and can suffer from
separation anxiety when left alone. To counteract this, train our dogs from
small to make their own time. This can be done easily such as leaving him in
his cage for about 10 minutes while you are in another room, or getting used to
being in your own location when you go outside.
5. Play with your dog each day. the
poodle dog develops in mental stimulation, because that is at least twice a day
about 20 minutes to play with your dog.
• Many poodle dogs like chases like
agility training on circuits adapted to small types of dogs.
Such is the technique and. How to Take Care of Our Poodle Dogs, hopefully all the information we provide is useful to
pay attention to our beloved animals.